We just got back from visiting Dad and Mom. We very much enjoyed the time spent with them but can't say the same for the long trip up. We left around 5 pm on Sunday and were towing a trailer for the purpose of bringing my first car, the 1970 Mustang, back with us. We got just outside of Phoenix only to have a tire blow on the trailer. With no spare and finding all tire shops closed by 6 pm (we arrived at 7pm) we checked into a hotel to wait it out until morning. Shops opened at 7am so we got a new tire right away. We got through Blythe and just about ran out of gas as we headed towards Indio. Thankfully there was a chevron just outside of Indio with only about 10 miles of gas left to spare. As we pulled into Indio, KABLAM!!!! a tire blew on our truck! Thankfully we could nurse it off the freeway and to a Big O tire after many, many, many 411 calls and reconnecting to them to find the location. I was bawling my eyes out as the babies were extremely fussy, Bill was uptight and we had to have 4 new tires put on. Dad and Mom started heading down from San Luis and we continued on, meeting up with them in LA. With their much needed support for the rest of the trip, Bill had Dad and silence in the truck towing the trailer and Mom and I had the babies in their car. We arrived at 11 pm. After a wonderful night of sleep, I didn't get up until noon the next day, we enjoyed the rest of the trip. Trenton and Emma got tons of loving from Papa and Grandma. They had a wonderful time with all the cuddling and playtime!
Grandma D entertaining Trenton or Trenton entertaining Grandma D. Not sure which!

Snuggle time for Papa and Emma

Grandma D and Trenton

An absolute must when visiting Dad and Mom - a trip to the beach. We went to Avila Beach which seems to be a bit quieter than the main beach at Pismo. Its small and is known for the seals and shark visits! Bill and I had a date night here at Avila and saw tons of seals and a couple of dolphins. As you can see, Daddy had the camera!
Trenton and Mama

Mama and sleepyhead Emma

My goal on this trip was for Bill to get completely rested up. Here's proof he got some sleep! Mama got plenty of rest too thanks to Papa and Grandma!

After a rediculously long trip home although thankfully uneventful, the babies needed a bit of cooling down time. Off came the clothes and into the comfort zone.

Oh, so sorry the trip over was so stressful. I think we have almost run out of gas on that same stretch of road. Theres that long hill down into an exit with a gas station and we were thankful it was downhill. I'm wondering if that was the same place. Oh, and I love Avila Beach. I went to a get together there once when I was about 14 years old and thats were I boogy boarded for the first time. Good memories there. I'm glad the rest of your trip went well.
I'm sorry about the rough trip. It makes it so hard to travel when there are constant delays, especially with the added element of babies! They sure are cute though!! I'm glad that you got some rest, too! :)
What an adventure. I would definitely be in tears at the end. Glad you made it though and glad you had a wonderful time with your parents!
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